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Arthera Developer Documentation

Arthera is an EVM-compatible Layer-1 blockchain with native subscriptions, unmatched scalability, and a DAG-based Proof-of-Stake consensus model.

This documentation will help you migrate, develop applications for the Arthera blockchain, run nodes, adapt your business model and participate in the first sustainable WEB3 ecosystem. Here you will find descriptive concepts, how-to guides, tutorials, API references, code examples, release notes, and more.

Arthera Mainnet

You can check it out using the Explorer.

Arthera Testnet

You can check it out using the Explorer.

Arthera Wallet

It’s right here. Use it to play around with our subscriptions and to check out our partner dApps, for now.

Arthera Explorer

Use it to explore the Arthera blockchain: blocks, transactions, tokens, addresses, smart contracts and more.

Get started

Learn everything about Arthera

Learn the key concepts of the Arthera Protocol, like subscriptions, transactions, accounts, gas and transaction fees, nodes, and more

Develop or Migrate your contracts

Everything you need to know about building and deploying contracts on the Arthera blockchain

Start a Web 3.0 SaaS business

Transform your Web3 dApp into a SaaS offering with Arthera SMP. Simplify and enhance your billing, payment, invoicing, and subscription management operations

Become a Validator

Install and run a validator node on your local testnet. Join as a validator.

Join the Arthera ecosystem

In order to properly organise your onboarding please complete this form. The more accurate your answers are, the better we can settle you in. You can also check out this deck to get more information about building on Arthera.

Find out more

Find out more about us and exchange ideas by joining the Telegram group or by following our Telegram group if you need tech support.