API Gateway
Arthera provides high-performance GraphQL and REST API gateway for fetching blockchain data. It provides conveninent endpoints for fetching low-level and aggregate information related to accounts, tokens, staking, subscriptions and more.
You can use the Arthera Explorer API to interact with API endpoints, build requests, visualize responses, and learn more about the API Gateway. .
The GraphQL API describes available entities and attributes with a schema and lets the client decide which parts, elements and services it needs to perform its operation. The schema is extensively documented, so you should be able to use it intuitively.
The GraphQL API is available under the /api
Scalar Values
The API uses additional scalar types beyond the default GraphQL ones to encode big numbers, byte arrays and addresses:
- Hash - a 32-byte hexadecimal string prefixed by 0x
- Address - a 20-byte hexadecimal string prefixed by 0x representing an Arthera address
- BigInt - a hexadecimal string prefixed by 0x representing a Big Integer
- Long - a hexadecimal string prefixed by 0x representing a 64-bit unsigned integer
- Bytes - a hexadecimal string prefixed by 0x representing byte array. An empty array is represented by '0x'
- Cursor - an unspecified string value representing the position in a sequential list of edges. Read more about cursors in the Pagination section.
Transaction amounts, account balances, rewards and all amount-related data is encoded in WEI
as big integers in prefixed hexadecimal format.
In your client application you can use Ethereum's Web3 libraries to help you deal with decoding and validation for most data types defined here.
The API paginates results based on cursors. Each member of a collection has a unique identifier named cursor
When you want to obtain a slice of the collection, you specify the cursor
value of the collection member and a count of how many records following the one provided you need.
If you do not specify the cursor
, we assume you mean either the top or the bottom of the collection. The relative anchor is determined by the value of your neighbors count
For example this query provides 15 consecutive block after the one with cursor "0x25c3":
query BlocksList {
blocks(cursor: "0x25c3", count: 5) {
pageInfo {
edges {
block {
To get 10 most recent transactions, you have to skip the cursor
and send the following query:
query TransactionsList {
transactions(count: 10) {
pageInfo {
edges {
transaction {
block {
Each response will contain data structures to help you navigate through the collection:
: contains thefirst
cursor of your current sliceedges
: contains the data element and acursor
which can be used to create a link to the same position in the collection regardless of the absolute distance of the element from the top or bottom.
The full GraphQL schema is:
# Root schema definition
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
subscription: Subscription
# Entry points for querying the API
type Query {
# version represents the API server version responding to your requests.
version: String!
# State represents the current state of the blockchain and network.
state: CurrentState!
# stakingConfig provides the current configuration
# of the Staking contract managing the block chain staking economy.
stakingConfig: StakingConfig!
# Total number of accounts active on the Arthera blockchain.
accountsActive: Long!
# Get an Account information by hash address.
account(address: Address!): Account!
# Get list of Contracts with at most <count> edges.
# If <count> is positive, return edges after the cursor,
# if negative, return edges before the cursor.
# For undefined cursor, positive <count> starts the list from top,
# negative <count> starts the list from bottom.
# ValidatedOnly specifies if the list should contain all the Contracts,
# or just contracts with validated byte code and available source/ABI.
validatedOnly: Boolean = false
cursor: Cursor
count: Int!
): ContractList!
# Get block information by number or by hash.
# If neither is provided, the most recent block is given.
block(number: Long, hash: Bytes32): Block
# Get list of Blocks with at most <count> edges.
# If <count> is positive, return edges after the cursor,
# if negative, return edges before the cursor.
# For undefined cursor, positive <count> starts the list from top,
# negative <count> starts the list from bottom.
blocks(cursor: Cursor, count: Int!): BlockList!
# Get transaction information for given transaction hash.
transaction(hash: Bytes32!): Transaction
# Get list of Transactions with at most <count> edges.
# If <count> is positive, return edges after the cursor,
# if negative, return edges before the cursor.
# For undefined cursor, positive <count> starts the list from top,
# negative <count> starts the list from bottom.
transactions(cursor: Cursor, count: Int!): TransactionList!
# Get filtered list of ERC20 Transactions.
cursor: Cursor
count: Int = 25
token: Address
account: Address
txType: [TokenTransactionType!]
): ERC20TransactionList!
# Get filtered list of ERC721 Transactions.
cursor: Cursor
count: Int = 25
token: Address
tokenId: BigInt
account: Address
txType: [TokenTransactionType!]
): ERC721TransactionList!
# Get filtered list of ERC1155 Transactions.
cursor: Cursor
count: Int = 25
token: Address
tokenId: BigInt
account: Address
txType: [TokenTransactionType!]
): ERC1155TransactionList!
# Get the id of the current epoch of the Arthera blockchain.
currentEpoch: Long!
# Get information about specified epoch. Returns current epoch information
# if id is not provided.
epoch(id: Long): Epoch!
# Get a scrollable list of epochs sorted from the last one back by default.
epochs(cursor: Cursor, count: Int = 25): EpochList!
# The last staker id in Arthera blockchain.
lastValidatorId: Long!
# The number of validators in Arthera blockchain.
validatorsNum: Long!
# Validator information. The validator is loaded either by numeric ID,
# or by address. null if none is provided.
validatorStake(id: BigInt, address: Address): ValidatorStake
# List of validator information from Staking smart contract.
validatorStakes: [ValidatorStake!]!
# provides list of validator information from Staking smart contract
# for validators with the given flag set to TRUE. This can be used to obtain a subset
# of validators in a given state of the staking process.
validatorStakesWithFlag(flag: ValidatorFlagFilter!): [ValidatorStake!]!
# The list of delegations for the given validator ID.
# Cursor is used to obtain specific slice of the validator delegations.
# The most recent delegations are provided if cursor is omitted.
validator: BigInt!
cursor: Cursor
count: Int = 25
): DelegationList!
# Get the details of a specific delegation by it's delegator address
# and validator the delegation belongs to.
delegation(address: Address!, validator: BigInt!): Delegation
# Get the list of all delegations by it's delegator address.
address: Address!
cursor: Cursor
count: Int = 25
): DelegationList!
# Returns the current price per gas in WEI units.
gasPrice: Long!
# estimateGas returns the estimated amount of gas required
# for the transaction described by the parameters of the call.
estimateGas(from: Address, to: Address, value: BigInt, data: String): Long
# Get price details of the Arthera blockchain token for the given target symbols.
price(to: String!): Price!
# Get calculated staking rewards for an account or given
# staking amount in AA tokens.
# At least one of the address and amount parameters must be provided.
# If you provide both, the address takes precedence and the amount is ignored.
estimateRewards(address: Address, amount: Long): EstimatedRewards!
# stakingRewardsCollectedAmount provides an amount of rewards collected based on given
# filtering options, which are all optional. If no filter option is passed,
# the total amount of collected rewards is being presented.
delegator: Address
validator: BigInt
since: Long
until: Long
): BigInt!
# erc20Token provides the information about an ERC20 token specified by it's
# address, if available. The resolver returns NULL if the token does not exist.
erc20Token(token: Address!): ERC20Token
# erc20TokenList provides list of the most active ERC20 tokens
# deployed on the block chain.
erc20TokenList(count: Int = 50): [ERC20Token!]!
# erc20Assets provides list of tokens owned by the given account address.
erc20Assets(owner: Address!, count: Int = 50): [ERC20Token!]!
# erc20TotalSupply provides the current total supply amount of a specified ERC token
# identified by it's ERC contract address.
erc20TotalSupply(token: Address!): BigInt!
# ercTokenBalance provides the current available balance of a specified ERC20 token
# identified by it's ERC20 contract address.
erc20TokenBalance(owner: Address!, token: Address!): BigInt!
# erc20TokenAllowance provides the current amount of ERC20 tokens unlocked
# by the token owner for the spender to be manipulated with.
token: Address!
owner: Address!
spender: Address!
): BigInt!
# erc721Assets provides list of tokens owned by the given account address.
erc721Assets(owner: Address!, count: Int = 50): [ERC721Token!]!
# erc721Contract provides the information about ERC721 non-fungible token (NFT) by it's address.
erc721Contract(token: Address!): ERC721Contract
# erc721ContractList provides list of ERC721 non-fungible tokens (NFT) ordered by their activity.
erc721ContractList(count: Int = 50): [ERC721Contract!]!
# erc1155Assets provides list of tokens owned by the given account address.
erc1155Assets(owner: Address!, count: Int = 50): [ERC1155Token!]!
# erc1155Token provides the information about ERC1155 multi-token contract by it's address.
erc1155Contract(address: Address!): ERC1155Contract
# erc1155ContractList provides list of ERC1155 multi-token contracts ordered by their activity.
erc1155ContractList(count: Int = 50): [ERC1155Contract!]!
# trxVolume provides a list of daily aggregations of the network transaction flow.
# If boundaries are not defined, last 90 days of aggregated trx flow is provided.
# Boundaries are defined in format YYYY-MM-DD, i.e. 2021-01-23 for January 23rd, 2021.
trxVolume(from: String, to: String): [DailyTrxVolume!]!
# trxSpeed provides the recent speed of the network
# as number of transactions processed per second
# calculated for the given range denominated in secods. I.e. range:300 means last 5 minutes.
# Minimal range is 60 seconds, any range below this value will be adjusted to 60 seconds.
trxSpeed(range: Int = 1200): Float!
# trxGasSpeed provides average gas consumed by transactions, either base or cumulative,
# per second in the given date/time period. Please specify the ending date and time
# as RFC3339 time stamp, i.e. 2021-05-14T00:00:00.000Z. The current time is used if not defined.
# The range represents the number of seconds prior the end time stamp
# we use to calculate the average gas consumption.
trxGasSpeed(range: Int = 1200, to: String): Float!
# gasPriceList provides a list of gas price ticks for the given date/time span.
# If the end time is not specified, the list is provided up to the current date/time.
# The maximal date/time span of the list is 30 days.
gasPriceList(from: Time!, to: Time): [GasPriceTick!]!
# aaBurnedTotal provides the total amount of native AA tokens burned
# by the chain from paid transaction fees in WEI units.
aaBurnedTotal: BigInt!
# aaBurnedTotalAmount provides the total amount of native AA tokens burned
# by the chain from paid transaction fees in AA units.
aaBurnedTotalAmount: Float!
# aaLatestBlockBurnList provides a list of latest burned native AA tokens per-block.
aaLatestBlockBurnList(count: Int = 25): [AABlockBurn!]!
# dailyFeeFlow provides a list of fee distribution information aggregated by days.
dailyFeeFlow(from: Time, to: Time): [FeeFlowDaily!]!
# aaTreasuryTotal provides the total amount of native AA tokens sent into treasury
# by the chain from paid transaction fees in WEI units.
aaTreasuryTotal: BigInt!
# aaTreasuryTotalAmount provides the total amount of native AA tokens sent into treasury
# by the chain from paid transaction fees in AA units.
aaTreasuryTotalAmount: Float!
# networkNodesAggregated provides an aggregated list of network nodes on the Arthera network.
level: NetworkNodeGroupLevel = COUNTRY
): NetworkNodeGroupList!
subscriptionPlans: [SubscriptionPlan!]!
subscriptionPlan(id: Long): SubscriptionPlan
subscriptionData(address: Address!): SubscriptionData
activeSubscription(address: Address!): Boolean!
anySubscription(address: Address!): Boolean!
subscriptionTokenId(address: Address!): Long!
# Mutation endpoints for modifying the data
type Mutation {
# SendTransaction submits a raw signed transaction into the block chain.
# The tx parameter represents raw signed and RLP encoded transaction data.
sendTransaction(tx: Bytes!): Transaction
# Validate a deployed contract byte code with the provided source code
# so potential users can check the contract source code, access contract ABI
# to be able to interact with the contract and get the right metadata.
# Returns updated contract information. If the contract can not be validated,
# it raises a GraphQL error.
validateContract(contract: ContractValidationInput!): Contract!
# Subscriptions to live events broadcasting
type Subscription {
# Subscribe to receive information about new blocks in the blockchain.
onBlock: Block!
# Subscribe to receive information about new transactions in the blockchain.
onTransaction: Transaction!
Interactive console
You can play around and test GraphQL queries by opening the /graphi endpoint on each API gateway.

Besides the GrapgQL API which covers most needs, the API Gateway provides some useful REST endpoints:
/rest/gas returns a JSON structure with current gas price info:
Output: a JSON object with the following structure:
- price in gweifast
- price in gweiaverage
- price in gweisafeLow
- price in gwei
curl "https://apigw.arthera.net/rest/gas"
/rest/account returns detailed information for the provided address:
- 0x-prefixed account address as a URL parameter
Output: a JSON object with the following structure:
- Big Integer encoded as a 0x-prefixed hexadecimal string representing the account balance in WEIcontract
- contract creation transaction hash if availabletype
- the type of address: wallet, contract, ERC20, ERC721, ERC1155lastActivity
- Big Integer encoded as a 0x-prefixed hexadecimal string representing the unix timestamp of the block where the account was last seentxCount
- Big Integer encoded as a 0x-prefixed hexadecimal string representing the number of transactions sent from the accounterc20Tokens
- array of ERC20 token addresses owned by the accounterc721Tokens
- array of ERC20 tokens addresses owned by the accounterc1155Tokens
- array of ERC20 tokens addresses owned by the account
curl "https://apigw.arthera.net/rest/account?addr=0x3BD2DeC1Dd270d5673eFFd3cC30fD13445e964aD"
/rest/balanceof returns the balance of an ERC20, ERC721 or ERC1155 token for the provided address:
- 0x-prefixed account address as a URL parametertoken
- 0x-prefixed token contract address as a URL parametertype
- type of ERC token contract: erc20, erc721, erc1155tokenId
- (only for type=erc1155) Big Integer encoded as a 0x-prefixed hexadecimal string representing the token id
Output: a JSON object with the following structure:
- Big Integer encoded as a 0x-prefixed hexadecimal string representing the token balance in WEI
curl "https://apigw.arthera.net/rest/balanceof?type=erc1155&addr=0x3BD2DeC1Dd270d5673eFFd3cC30fD13445e964aD&token=0x000000000000000000000000000000000000Aa07&tokenId=0x1"