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Integration recommendations

Arthera Mainnet is live. Following the current development best practices, we invite you to follow the steps described below.

This integration process can also be a great opportunity to engage with the dev community you may have: these tasks are easy and don't require specific knowledge. External contributors can express themselves at each step of the way: that's the magic of open source development! Also, the Arthera team will be happy to guide and advise everyone, sometimes even during one of our weekly Build-in-Public sessions, we're on Telegram.

Standard process

  1. Iso-functional deployment
  2. End-to-end tests
  3. Deployment with Arthera subscriptions
  4. SMP integration
  5. Mainnet deployment

1. Iso-functional deployment

The very first step is to deploy your Solidity contracts to Arthera Tesnet without making any modification, meaning first without Arthera subscriptions. It should work the exact same way as any EVM-based network. If you're using Hardhat, this tutorial is available and you can view here a typical Hardhat config file here.

You can get a Testnet subscription on our faucet:

2. End-to-end tests

You probably already have these in place. At this stage, your unit tests and scripts should work on Arthera Testnet just like they do on any other networks.

3. Arthera subscriptions integration

You don't necessarily need what we call a 'dapp plan', but if you want to allow your users to interact with your contracts in a gas-less way, you can follow this tutorial. To recap, you want to:

  • Edit your contract (as shown on this page)
  • Test it
  • Deploy it

4. SMP integration

The SMP integration is optional.

The Subscriptions Management Platform (SMP) allows you to manage your end-users' subscriptions to your app. One of the key features of this service is the possibility to allow your users to subscribe to your app in fiat currencies. The only thing you'll have to do is to set up a Stripe, Adyen or Braintree account, then add Arthera fiat payment widget to your app: your users would put in place a recurring payment and then interact with your smart contracts without even noticing they're actually onchain.

5. Mainnet deployment


Latest update: February 27, 2023