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Using Wagmi

Wagmi is a popular React Hooks library for Ethereum. To work with a local Arthera node or with the Arthera TestNet, Wagmi needs to know how to connect to the respective network.

Arthera Testnet

Add the following snippet in a artheraTestnet.ts file to import it in your Wagmi configuration of custom chains.

import { Chain } from "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit";

export const artheraTestnet: Chain = {
id: 10243,
name: "artheraTestnet",
iconUrl: "/arthera.svg",
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: "Arthera",
symbol: "AA",
rpcUrls: {
public: { http: [""] },
default: { http: [""] },
blockExplorers: {
etherscan: { name: "Arthera Testnet Scan", url: "" },
default: { name: "Arthera Testnet Scan", url: "" },
testnet: true,

Arthera Mainnet

Add the following snippet in a arthera.ts file to import it in your Wagmi configuration of custom chains.

import { Chain } from "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit";

export const arthera: Chain = {
id: 10242,
name: "arthera",
iconUrl: "/arthera.svg",
nativeCurrency: {
decimals: 18,
name: "AA",
symbol: "AA",
rpcUrls: {
public: { http: [""] },
default: { http: [""] },
blockExplorers: {
etherscan: { name: "Arthera Mainnet Scan", url: "" },
default: { name: "Arthera Mainnet Scan", url: "" },

A Wagmi configuration

You can view a more complete example of Wagmi config.

A Wagmi tutorial

You can view a more complete example of Wagmi usage.


Latest update: April 22, 2024