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Whitelist / Blacklist

Whitelisting / Blacklisting customers gives them the right to use / not use your Arthera On-Chain subscription to pay for their gas fees.

All customers are blacklisted by default. Once a customer makes a successful purchase to one of your subscription plans, the customer will automatically be whitelisted to use your on-chain subscription to pay for his gas fees.

If at any time, the customer's subscription is cancelled (either manually or by a failed payment), the customer will be blacklisted, meaning he will no longer be entitled to use your on-chain subscription to pay for his gas fees. This means that the customer will need to pay gas fees for every transaction he submits while interacting with your dApp.

dApp Operators/Administrators can see whitelisted customers from the On-Chain section of the Arthera SMP, in the Whitelisted accounts section.

Whitelisting without checkout

If you want to provide a gasless experience without requiring a checkout you can call the REST API of the SMP to :

  • whitelist the provided customer account to use the dApp's on-chain subscription for paying gas fees by calling /rest/whitelist
  • blacklist the provided customer account to forbid it from using the dApp's on-chain subscription for paying gas fees by calling /rest/blacklist
  • check if the provided customer account is allowed to use the dApp's on-chain subscription for paying gas fees by calling /rest/whitelisted
  • check if the provided customer account is forbidden to use the dApp's on-chain subscription for paying gas fees by calling /rest/blacklisted