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Arthera has a number of system contracts that perform various protocol-level tasks. The choice to decouple some functionality form the main blockchain node to system contract is related to upgradeability. All System Contracts are upgradeble through a governance process, so if a vote is cast through governance to change the price of subscription plans or staking rewards, a new version of the respective contracts will be deployed without having validators upgrade their software or restart their node.

This contract is responsible for keeping track of subscription plans and subscriptions. A subscription is an ERC721 transferable NFT. Each time an account subscribes to a plan, 1 subscription NFT is minted to the subscriber account. If a user terminates his subscription, the NFT is burned.


Creates a new subscription plan with an optional usage cap.

Method parameters:

  • uint256 duration duration in days
  • uint256 units number of gas units
  • uint256 usdPrice price in USD cents
  • CapFrequency capFrequency the type of cap: 0=None, 1=Hourly, 2=Daily
  • uint256 capUnits number of gas units allowed in the cap window
  • bool dapp if the plan is for DApps


  • event PlanCreated(uint256 planId, uint256 duration, uint256 units, uint256 price, CapFrequency capFrequency, uint256 capUnits, bool dapp)


Updates a plan with new data. It does not update existing active subscriptions, which will keep running based on the old plan values. The updated values will be taken into account when a subscription is created or renewed.

Method parameters:

  • uint256 planId id of the plan
  • uint256 duration duration in days
  • uint256 units number of gas units
  • uint256 usdPrice price in USD cents
  • CapFrequency capFrequency the type of cap: 0=None, 1=Hourly, 2=Daily
  • uint256 capUnits number of gas units allowed in the cap window


  • event PlanUpdated(uint256 planId, uint256 duration, uint256 units, uint256 price, CapFrequency capFrequency, uint256 capUnits)


Create a new subscription for an EOA account. The account must not have a previously created subscription.

Method parameters:

  • msg.sender subscription owner (must be an EOA account)
  • uint256 planId id of the plan to subscribe to


  • event NewSubscription(uint256 id, uint256 planId, uint256 startTime, uint256 endTime, uint256 balance)


Create a new subscription for an Contract account. The account must not have a previously created subscription. A Contract subscription must have an EOA owner that can manage the subscription and must inherit from @arthera/subscription/ISubscriptionOwner and @openzeppelin/contracts/utils/introspection/ERC165.sol and add the following imports and methods to its code:

import "@arthera/subscription/ISubscriptionOwner.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/introspection/ERC165.sol";

/// ... contract code ....

function getSubscriptionOwner() external view returns (address) {
return address_of_subscription_owner;

function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId)
returns (bool)
return interfaceId == type(ISubscriptionOwner).interfaceId || super.supportsInterface(interfaceId);

Method parameters:

  • msg.sender subscription owner
  • address _contract address of the contract account
  • uint256 planId id of the plan to subscribe to


  • event NewSubscription(uint256 id, uint256 planId, uint256 startTime, uint256 endTime, uint256 balance)


Renews a subscription and resets all caps. The subscription's balance will be topped up with the number of units in the plan, and the end date will be extended with the plan's duration, starting from the current block's timestamp.

Method parameters:

  • msg.sender subscription owner


  • event RenewSubscription(uint256 id, uint256 planId, uint256 startTime, uint256 endTime, uint256 balance)


Terminates a subscription immediately and burns the NFT. No refunds are made.

Method parameters:

  • msg.sender subscription owner


  • event TerminateSubscription(uint256 id)


Allows a third-party account to whitelist an end-user account.

Method parameters:

  • address whitelister new whitelister account address


  • event WhitelisterAdded(uint256 id, address whitelister)


Whitelists the provided account to consume from the contract account subscription.

Method parameters:

  • uint256 id the id of the contract account subscription
  • address account the address to whitelist


  • event WhitelistContractAccountSubscriber(uint256 id, address account)


Blacklists the provided account to prevent consuming from the contract account subscription.

Method parameters:

  • uint256 id the id of the contract account subscription
  • address account the address to blacklist


  • event BlacklistContractAccountSubscriber(uint256 id, address account)


Returns bool - if the account is whitelisted for the provided contract account

Method parameters:

  • address subscriber the contract account
  • address account the account to query


Returns uint256 - gas units available in the current cap window

Method parameters:

  • address subscriber the subscriber to query


Returns uint256 - the end time of the current cap window in unix epoch seconds

Method parameters:

  • address subscriber the subscriber to query


Returns uint256 - gas units left in the subscription

Method parameters:

  • address subscriber the subscriber to query


Returns uint256 - start date of the subscription in unix epoch seconds

Method parameters:

  • address subscriber the subscriber to query


Returns uint256 - start date of the subscription in unix epoch seconds

Method parameters:

  • address subscriber the subscriber to query


Returns uint256 - if the subscriber has an active subscription


Returns uint256 - if the subscriber has a subscription (active or inactive)

Method parameters:

  • address subscriber the subscriber to query


Returns Subscription - subscription data

struct Subscription {
uint256 id;
uint256 planId;
// remaining gas unit balance
uint256 balance;
// when the subscription was started
uint256 startTime;
// when the subscription will end
uint256 endTime;
// when the subscription was last used (debit/credit)
uint256 lastCapReset;
// accumulate usage for the plan's capFrequency
uint256 periodUsage;

Method parameters:

  • address subscriber the subscriber to query


Returns uint256 - gets the ERC721 token id of the subscription or 2^256-1 if none

Method parameters:

  • address subscriber the subscriber to query

Latest update: September 18, 2023